Customer Testimonials

I ordered 3 medals. There was an error with the order. I contacted Noel and within an hour had a response and within 24 hours had new medals shipped out. He supplied return envelope for the returning medals. Great quality medals and awesome customer service!!


I am beyond grateful for the quality of work and service with your ribbon and medal stacks. I have been using Noel’s Thin Ribbons for the last 3-4 years and I will never go to anyone else. From the discounts to the quality and the immediate service ...hands down without equal!! Thank you!!!
Natalie Lamb

Noel, I've been doing business with you exclusively since 2000.  Thank you for sending out the best quality products in the market.  You would hear from me more often but your thin ribbons last so freaking long!!  V/R Chief McTee.
Buck McTee

I just ordered my 3rd ribbon rack. I have also ordered my medals through Noel. Shipping is fast. The quality is amazing. I will continue to order my next rack through Noel.

Andrew Albin

Noel is one of the greatest entrepreneurs I have ever dealt with... His ribbons are of the highest quality and they look awesome. If you want an incredible set of ribbons, look no further... He is the man you want to deal with! Thanks so much Noel.

Chris Shieh

Noel has been a life saver for me. I have used Thin Ribbons on many occasions and each and every time, Noel and his staff have delivered a professional product. There have been a few occasions recently that I needed some ribbons rushed to me and Noel has been very accommodating. Thanks to Thin Ribbons for their support in ensuring that all service members look their best in their perspective service uniform! I would recommend Thin Ribbon products to any service member.

Daniel Rachal

Outstanding Quality!

Ramon Noriega

Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently ordered my medals and ribbons from your company for my shadow box. I was very surprised at how great they looked when I pulled them out of the envelope. I was even more surprised with I eventually noticed that one medal, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, was missing from the arrangement. I looked at the order form and quickly realized that I had made the mistake when I placed the order. I figured that it would be a very painful and expensive experience to get this corrected since, after all, it was my fault. However, when I contact the company and spoke to a customer service representative I was even further surprised to find out that all I had to do is send the medals back and the missing medal would be added at no cost to me. Thank you very much for the outstanding customer service! Most of the companies in America should look to Noel's for guidance on how to deal with customers. Once again, thank you very much.

Antonin Z. Sergelin, LCDR USN(ret)

Attending Drill Instructor School aboard Parris Island and I needed to get new ribbons and medals. Ordered three stacks of ribbons and a set of anodized medals. Everything came PERFECT and looks great. You can tell this company takes pride in their work. They even expedited everything for me and I received it within 3 days. They know how to take care of Marines. Semper Fidelis
Andrew Barrett

I love the quality your company puts out! I have ordered several set in the past and they are great.

John Allen

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